So myself and my bestie decided to give it a go.
mmm yeh... look they don't really work at all. I found that they kind of stung a bit going on (and I don't have sensitive skin usually) and they were messy (which I can live with.... but) it tends to get bubbles in it when you put it on, so already you are not covering all of the skin.
And most of all? They never really pulled anything out. I mean don't get me wrong - perhaps these are not supposed to work the same way the strips do, where you pull it off and then marvel at the little "hairs" that you got out and think about how awesome it worked. You won't get that with this. And maybe it still does pull things out, but you just can't see it? I don't know, but personally I'll stick with buying the strips.
I find the Biore ones the best. And just due to labelling, I like to buy the "ultra" ones... or whatever they are called. Whichever ones sound like they do more!
Wet your nose just a bit, then pop one on and press it down. Then leave it until it feels hard and pull off from the outer direction slowly. Then admire the magic.
I use the nose ones for my chin too - I either turn them upside down, or just leave it right side up - whatever will cover the area I want most. Sometimes corners of mouth, sometimes lower chin.
Then sit and marvel at how awesome it is that that little strip could get all those thingys out of there. It's magic I tell you!