Sunday, December 27, 2020

Lite Nurse Reveal Serum


So what is a reveal serum? It’s a chemical exfoliant. What’s in it?? Some kind of acid... 

Ok here’s the actual write up:

Exfoliates, clarifies & calms. Tetrapeptide-30 & Niacinamide enhance pigment reduction, repair & nourish. Clears blocked pores & dead skin cells whilst accelerating cellular renewal with lactic, glycolic & salicylic acids in combination with potent anti-oxidant properties of Pomegranate enzyme also aiding hormonal imbalances. Reveals new healthy luminous skin, that feels soft, hydrated & plumped.

So acid sounds extreme to put on your face amiright? But these are “good” acids... yada yada I don’t know the chemistry or the technical stuff behind it, but I know that they are a very popular form of exfoliation at the moment, and this one works for me.

So you pop this on (sparingly... a little goes a very long way) after cleansing, and then pop your moisturiser on top. Rather than physically scraping off dead skin with little granules like the old school exfoliants, the serum umm eats them away? I mean it is acid... so I don’t know how else to say that. The result is clearer skin with less visible pores, and for me also a reduction in pimples.

Why do I like this one? Well it works for starters. And yes I use the accompanying cleanser and moisturiser as part of my routine. Sometimes I’m lazy/busy and just use a baby wipe for cleansing though.

I use the serum at night after cleansing, I skip it in the morning. That’s just what works for me, for others maybe they would only use it every couple of days, or maybe night n day.

Second reason I like this? Have you seen the price of exfoliating serums nowadays??? This one is affordable. It’s developed by an actual registered nurse too, so gives some reassurance regarding safety.

Can be bought from the Lite Nurse Shop online.

PS Don’t forget to moisturise if you use a serum! Your face will be all dry n freaked out if you don’t, and it will overcompensate by creating extra oil to fix the problem and then you’ll get pimples boooo!

3 More Inches Pre Wash Treatment

 Long time no blog.

3 More Inches Pre Wash Treatment - the more budget friendly version of hair “saving” than the holy grail that is Olaplex No.3.

Olaplex will set you back about $50AU for 100ml. 3 More is approximately $60AU for 500ml. Bonza you say! Well yes it is significantly cheaper but you will use more of it in each session. Don’t get me wrong it is still more value for money though.

So it’s called a pre wash treatment but I’d describe it more as a repairing hair mask. And boy does it repair!! I still get my hair permanently straightened (see my previous post from yesteryear) and although I no longer use any heat, I do have the remnants of VERY bleached ends from my platinum/pink days. (Side note, if I didn’t, I should write about that. Some awesome products found). I digress. So when you get your hair permanently straightened it is extremely damaging if your hair has already been through any processing. This means my pre-bleached ends became brittle and squiggly to that point where you wonder if you’re better off just cutting them off. Buuuuut wait! This is where Olaplex or 3More come in to save the day. Both of these products have worked equally well to smooth out the dead bits to beautiful hair again. How does it work? I have no idea, nor the time to research it. But it works and for that I say thank you very much!

Now some side notes for both of these products... leave them on as long as you can. I’m talking overnight. That’s how you get the best outcome. Particularly for 3 More. You want to use it every couple months when your hair starts to get ratty. And hot tip... don’t be stingy with 3 More. It says to drench your hair. DRENCH IT. You may think it’s a waste of product or if you use less it will go further, but the product needs to be slathered on to work, and even though you’re pumping away and it looks like a lot on your hair, you’ll be surprised at how long it takes you to finish the bottle.

So the take home message is to drench your hair with it and leave it on overnight. Don’t worry it won’t get on your pillow.

For Aussie’s, 3 More is available at Mecca.