It doesn't look like an "acne cream" and nothing about it says that it is, but it really does work well.
What it does is basically calm down the skin without drying it out like most acne creams do. With a general acne cream you get it drying out that specific spot but also affecting the skin directly around it, which means in most cases you end up with more of a scar, which takes longer to heal, and you have to wait til it's been completely dried out before you start to repair it.
This one basically stops the pimple bit from growing and seems to let your own skin deal with that bit. That's sounds a bit fluffy I admit.
Well I pop it on when I can feel a pimple is there, and generally it never comes up.
In cases where it has already come up and I couldn't resist a squeeze... oh wait... read that as I was in front of the mirror and my fingers 'accidentally' fell around the pimple and it popped. Cause of course I would never break the rules and squeeze on purpose.
Anyways - this is where this cream is the best. If it has already popped it calms the whole area, seems to get rid of the pimple bit, but at the same time heals the whole thing in much quicker time. And your face doesn't feel horribly dry or as if it's been through some nuclear experiment just on that one poor spot.
Give it a go, I find it works.
I totally agree...I don't believe in miracle products but if I had to choose one, this wd be it...I dabbed it on my face when I notice a massive pimple coming out and to my surprise it was gone the next day....the tube lasts quite awhile too..