I know what you're thinking - how does that cleanse and surely that just pimples up your whole face.
Surprisingly no. It's supposed to be really great for blackheads and for making your face all soft and lush.
Does it? Well I don't really know. hahaha. Ok so I went to buy the oil - I read up on so many sites about what oils to get... castor oil seemed a main ingredient... but also Jojoba, grapeseed. So I planned to go and get the two main ones - castor oil and jojoba.
Castor oil I could get easily from the chemist... I think it was between $7 to $10? Maybe even a little more. Then when I went to get Jojoba oil from a health food store it was bloody expensive. Like $22 or something for a tiny bottle. So I looked around and found the Moo Goo one, which combines both of these, with a couple of the others that were in my "would be good to have but way too much effort to try to get them all" such as avocado oil and ricebran oil.
MooGoo one was I think somewhere between $20/$30? Could have even been less, I can't remember, but it was clearly just cheaper and easier for me to get that one rather than buy the rest separately and try to mix it up myself... and find something to put it in yada yada.
Ok so what you do is basically rub it all over your face (rub firmly on the blackhead areas) and then steam it for a bit... when I first started I did the sink full of hot water with a towel over my head... or else I used a hot face cloth on my face.... Now I'm quite lazy so I put it on for a while, then turn the shower on hot (before I get in), don't have the fan on... then switch it to normal heat to get in and let all the steam surround me. It's probably not as effective but yeh.. it's certainly easier.
Does it work.... again.... I don't really know. I didn't see any of the miraculous things other people mentioned, like "omg zero pores now" or "wow I could see the blackheads just come out". For me - yep I did definitely see that it cleansed my face better than normal cleanser. So that's a plus. I did also notice that if I didn't do it for a while... my face would go back to how it was.
So I guess it DOES work. But a couple of things to note. Don't do it every day... maybe once a week. Otherwise you get those really deeeeeeep painful pimples. No no no.
Also - it's not a miracle cream so don't expect too much.
Have I sold it to you? Probably not. hahaha Ok final word is yes it does cleanse your face quite well, and yes it does soften up your face, but no it is not a miracle cream.
I'll let you decide for yourself.
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