First things first - I don't use moisturiser *gasp*! or night cream *double gasp!* *blasphemy!*
The thing is, my skin is I guess semi oily? I'm eurasian if that gives an idea of skin type. So any moisturiser I've used has made me break out with pimples. And my face doesn't really feel dry ever (and yes I know the creams are for more than dryness).
Basically, I feel as though I get my moisturising needs met by using my Erborian BB or CC cremes and I don't really require anything more (and if I try to, I break out).
But then I met this cream. I only use the tiniest bit at night, and I don't use it every night, but oh my god my face feels so nice the next day! Very baby soft. And no break outs (as long as I keep to not using it every night. Or if my skin feels particularly oily I don't use it. But this has to be the first product that A. Hasn't had a negative effect on my skin and B. Actually feels like it has done something good for my skin.
Oh and before you poo poo me - I've tried other products over time as well (in case my skin needed to adapt). No go.
Now I don't know whether the stem cells that this product promotes are actually making any difference to my skin in regards to making me look younger or whatever, but it certainly feels like my skin is better in the morning. I look kind of "glowing" without being pregnant ;)
This stuff is expensive, so before buying the actual bottle I read a fair few reviews - it sounds like maybe it is a newish product as there wasn't a whole heap of reviews out there. I did however find a really good one that was very objective. I'm really sorry but I couldn't find it again when I tried to re-google it but I'll summarise. Basically the guy (I think?) had researched the company and was looking at it from a scientific perspective, which makes sense given the claims of this product regarding stem cells.
So the company actually predominantly works with stem cells (as in cosmetics are not their main thing - the science and research with the human body is their actual priority). But it sounds like someone came along and said hey you could probably get more funds if you thought about what else this could be used for.
And voila they started this side company for the cosmetics.
Who knows, maybe they dump in all the stem cells they can't use for the high end scientific research. Anyways the point is, the reviewer couldn't find any solid evidence as to why the stem cells would be good in your face cream - basically he was implying that the company doesn't really care too much about explaining to us exactly how the stem cells would work in this topical form.... they are probably focussed on saving lives or something eh?
But the point he made was that he couldn't find any information to disprove that it works. So on benefit of the doubt - the stem cells could make a difference.
For me, I was just happy that this cream made my face skin all babbbbby soft. And less pimples, which for me as a grown adult... is a nice change haha.
So I would suggest getting your hands on a sample of this to try it out. Don't go buying the full bottle straight away, it's expensive and what if it doesn't work for you? I think you can buy the samples online on ebay or you can maybe get them from the lifeline website (if you live in the US).
I kind of like that the product I'm buying is associated with real 'make a difference' scientific research too. I'm guessing your standard Loreal's and such probably contribute to research as well, but this just seems a bit closer to it.
I could of course be wrong about that association... but hey. Baby smooth cheeks.
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