Clearly this is not a picture of MY eyes, but you get the idea. So I've only had this done once.
Cost about $30 to $50 depending on where you get it done. It only takes say 30 mins?
You go in, they ask you which of two styles you would prefer - one is getting the curl from the roots, the other is curling the ends. Curling the ends is probably more dramatic, but you get that kind of look of your eyelashes trying to go back into your head. Too annoying for me. I opted for the curl at the base, which "opens" up your eye more.
So you go in, lie down, they clean off your eye makeup, they pop this roll thing above your lashes, then paint some stuff on and you sit there for a while waiting for it to work, and then they wipe it off.
In a nutshell.

So you have to lie there with your eyes shut for quite a while. It's awkward, and I can imagine it would be uncomfortable for some people. I made conversation with the beauty girl about movies. I'm sure she was thrilled.
She then went on for a while about "I don't really get why people get this done, it's such a waste of money". I always enjoy someone bagging out what I'm doing whilst I'm getting it done. hehehe
Ok so it didn't happen to me, but I could feel the strength of the chemicals close to my eye, and I imagine if that substance got in your eye it would sting really bad. Again - it didn't happen to me.
Next they wipe the stuff off, and you can open your eyes again, though it's somewhat hard. Your eyes can still feel the effect of the chemical, and you've been lying there for a while so you kind of want to have a nap.
She then popped out the mirror to show me. Umm they looked exactly the same so on the outside I was like "wow awesome! Thanks!" but on the inside I was thinking "wow total waste of time and money".
Went home, looked at my eyes again - yeh still no real difference. Oh well at least I gave it a shot.
The next day I went to work, with mascara on... and my boss (male) says to me "oh wow did you get your eyelashes trimmed?"
Ok first things first - my reaction was a bit of a "what on earth are you talking about??"
Then he told me this story about how he didn't understand why girls needed to trim their lashes and "how much could they really grow anyway" and how there was a girl on his train everyday that got out her "guillotine" and trimmed those lashes every morning. Again "how much could they grow in one day....?"
hehehehhe yes. I laughed.
I think we all know what he was talking about. hahah so cute. He really was quite relieve when I explained the contraption to him and sent him a wiki link to it. He was genuinely concerned for this girl's safety using that guillotine on the train!
In so saying - I wouldn't risk curling my lashes on the train - one bump and you surely rip those suckers out. Yikes.
Ok back to my point. HE NOTICED.
I went to the bathroom to have a look-see and WOW. They looked frakking amazing. My eyes were so wide and my lashes looked sooooo good.
I loved it.
It lasted for about a month and I've got to say that I had at least 6 unsolicited comments about them - and from people that had no idea I had had something done.
So a definite thumbs up for me.
But, I have to admit I haven't had it done since.
Well time and money. It doesn't last that long and it costs money and takes time. If I was a wealthy socialite yep I'd get it done constantly, but I'm not. So I guess I'd just save it for a special occasion.
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