I use these Revlon Colour Balls. They are surprisingly hard to find, which is very annoying, but if you check around - certain hairdressers have them. If you live in Canberra - THE hairdressing has them, also Off London.
So you can buy these in a big pump tub as pictured, or for individual ones, you get them in the "ball".

I like to use a chocolate brown colour. Cause I'm sure you were dying to know. hehehe
So you get your ball - PUT ON SOME GLOVES! and basically - just whack it onto your hair and smoosh it around. There is no science to it, just make sure it's covering all your hair fairly even.
I think it says to leave it for 10 mins or something on the packet. Sure. You could do that. I on the other hand, like to live life dangerously. I usually leave it for at least 20 mins, up to an hour! The thing about this colour ball business is that it's not just dyeing your hair, it treats it at the same time. So leaving it in longer doesn't hurt. Though don't go crazy and leave it for hours and hours. That's just silly now isn't it?
My hairdresser who introduced me to this product told me it was ok to leave in for an hour, and a friend of mine who is a hairdresser agreed. So it's not just crazy me saying it's ok.
One thing to note though - the time you leave it in might depend on the colour you go. I once did a red one and left it in for longer... oh wow. With those kind of colours it just really really takes when you leave it longer. But with the chocolate brown that I normally do - it's the same colour as my hair, so leaving it longer is not obvious.
Then you just rinse it out etc.
Some people like to use it in the shower as a conditioning treatment. Those people are rich and can happily put it on for 2 mins and then wash it out. I am not one of those people, I like to get my money's worth out of it!
So the reason why I keep using this and love it so much? It doesn't damage your hair for starters - which is really good for someone like me who is growing their hair and also has it permanently straightened (or if you are planning to do any chemical process to it and need it in good condition beforehand).
Also - it's beautiful. It really perks your hair up - improves the condition and really adds depth and health to the colour. It's really great when you have dry ends - you know how they tend to be just a little bit lighter than the rest of your hair?
So you end up with really really healthy looking hair, and it's a treatment at the same time.
It's hard for me to tell you how long it lasts because I usually go the same colour that I already have - but as I said it's not permanent, so you probably need to re-do it every 3 months or so. More often if you want to. When you have the pump at home... you can just do it whenever you feel like your hair needs a pick me up.
Price - I actually can't remember! But it's not "extravagant".
I'm going to grab some this week so I'll try to update with the price.
All in all - I really really recommend this product.
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