Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Milia removal

What's milia? It's little lumps on your skin that you get under your eyes.

Sometimes they are caused by high cholesterol, sometimes it's genetic, sometimes it's just whatever? Oh and eye creams can cause them too.

I think I get them through the genetic path.

Anyway at one stage they were really annoying me (they still do but I've kind of given up). I tried to remove them myself - I read on the net that you can poke a hole in one and then kind of "roll it out". Lets just say I was highly unsuccessful in this venture.
So. Next step was to go to a beautician. They do it as part of your facial... before they go ahead and do all the exfoliating, masking etc.
Except when they do it they do it a lot more hygienically then I could! Very light prick and then it comes out - though obviously I couldn't see it coming out. But the girl showed me and it's really just a little round tiny white pea, tiny.
You are just left a tiny bit red there for the day and then it's fine.

So is it worth it?


You have to get it done like every month - that really adds up $$ wise. $80 a month adds up.

They say that if you get it done regularly it can get rid of most of them, but then you will need to come back for more facials to maintain that.

Ok so for me that just ended up adding up to too much.

So what I do now is just try to ignore them for starters hahahah, but I also make sure that I don't use eye creams - I use the serums instead - much much thinner. Since religiously sticking to that I haven't gotten any more milia, but it still means I'm stuck with the ones I had.

Verdict? If I had all the time in the world and all the money, sure I'd do it. But I don't.

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